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Written by Karan
Updated over 5 months ago


  1. How to check individual property inventory in one place?

  • Step 1:Click on the property icon.

  • Step 2:Click on the dashboard and just scroll down , you can see all the details of every property individually.

  1. How can I send the property website to individuals separately?

  • Step 1:Click on the property icon.

  • Step 2:Click on the dashboard and just scroll down,search for the concerned property.

  • Step 3: On the property card, click on the" share my website" option.

  • Step 4: The WhatsApp contact list will appear; select the contact, and then the WhatsApp message screen will open. Click the 'Send' button."

  1. How to add new property?

  • Step 1:Click on the property icon.

  • Step 2:Click on the dashboard option.

  • Step 3: click on the "Add new property "option.

  • Step 4: A pop up will appear. Enter the details.

  • Step 5:Click on add button.

  1. How to raise delete property request?

  • Step 1:Click on the property icon.

  • Step 2:Click on the dashboard option and just scroll down,search for the concerned property.

  • Step 3:Swipe left to the property card.

  • Step 4:Click on delete option.

  • Step 5: A confirmation pop up will appear, click on YES button.

  1. How can I check Admin dashboard ?

  • Step 1:Click on + button at homepage screen.

  • Step 2:Click on Admin dashboard option.


  1. How can i search for a room name or number?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2: To find the room you're looking for, simply enter the room name or number into the search box, and you'll quickly locate the room.

  1. How can I view vacant rooms?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear . Click on vacancy type, select vacant option.

  • Step 4:Click on apply.

  1. How can I view occupied rooms?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear . Click on vacancy type, select occupied option.

  • Step 4:Click on apply.

  1. How can I view semi vacant rooms?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear . Click on vacancy type, select semi vacant option.

  • Step 4:Click on apply.

  1. How can I view different types of rooms?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear. Click on room type tags, select your room.

  • Step 4:Click on apply.

Ex-here you can view a large room,furnished room,unfurnished room etc.

  1. How can I check the status of unpaid dues for rooms?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear. Click on room status, select unpaid dues option.

  • Step 4:Click on apply.

  1. How can I check the status of rooms under eviction?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear. Click on room status, select under eviction option.

  • Step 4:Click on apply.

  1. How can I check the status of rooms for new bookings?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear . Click on room status, select new bookings option.

  • Step 4:Click on apply.

  1. How can I see the available facilities for a room?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu, click on room option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear . Click on room facilities, select your option.

  • Step 4:Click on apply.

  1. How can I add a single room?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu, click on room option.

  • Step 2:Click on the CTA "More".

  • Step 3:Click on the CTA "Add single Room".

  • Step 4: On the "Add New Unit screen" enter the appropriate details.

  • Step 5:Choose 'Yes' if the room is available for rent, or 'No' if it's not available for rent.

  • Step 6: Select room facilities.

  • Step 7:Click on the OK button.

  1. How can I add multiple rooms?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu, click on room option.

  • Step 2:Click on the CTA "More"

  • Step 3:Click on the CTA "Add multiple Room".

  • Step 4: A page will open , tap on the floor card.

  • Step 5: on the "Edit room" screen click on the (+) New room option.

  • Step 6: A pop-up will appear for the 'Add New Unit' screen."

  • Step 7: enter the appropriate details.Choose 'Yes' if the room is available for rent, or 'No' if it's not available for rent.

  • Step 8: Select room facilities.

  • Step 9:Click on the OK button.

  1. How can I add floor?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2:Click on the CTA "More".

  • Step 3:Click on the CTA "Add Floor".

  • Step 4: A pop up will appear.Select the floors.

  • Step 5:Click on OK.

  1. How can I view the floor?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on room option.

  • Step 2:Click on the CTA "More".

  • Step 3:Click on the CTA "Go to Floor view".

  • Step 4: A floor view screen will open.

  1. How do I add a tenant to a room?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu, click on room option.

  • Step 2:Scroll down and search for the room.

  • Step 3 : On the roomcard click on the add tenant option.

  • Step 4:Enter the necessary details on the 'Add Tenant' screen.".

  • Step 5: click on the add tenant button.

  1. How can I share a room details with the tenant?

  • Step 1 Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3: Click on the 'Share' option on the room card.

  • Step 4: The WhatsApp contact list will open; select the contact's number, then click the 'Send' button.

  • Step 5: The WhatsApp message screen will appear, and you can then click on the 'Send' button to share the room details.

  1. How can I edit a room details?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3:Swipe left to the roomcard, click on the edit option.

  • Step 4: Enter the details and click on the OK button.

  1. How can I change the room name or number?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3: click on the room card and click on the room details.

  • Step 4: click on the edit button to enable the edit mode.

  • Step 5: In the room renting detail section, click on the room name , edit the name or number.

  • Step 6: click on save button.

  1. How can I change the room sharing type?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3: click on the room card and click on the room details.

  • Step 4: click on the edit button to enable the edit mode.

  • Step 5: In the room renting detail section, click on the sharing type, a list will open , select the sharing type.

  • Step 6: click on save button.

  1. How can I add a Room Remark?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3: click on the room card and click on the room details.

  • Step 4: click on the edit button to enable the edit mode.

  • Step 5: in the remark box, write the remark.and click on save button.

  1. How can I add room facilities?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3: click on the room card and click on the room details.

  • Step 4: click on the edit button to enable the edit mode.

  • Step 5:scroll down the page and click on room facilities.

  • Step 6:select the facilities and click on save button.

  1. How can I add room photos from the app?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3: click on the room card and click on the room details.

  • Step 4:scroll down and click on the new upload option.

  • Step 5: A pop up will appear with two options: "camera" and "Gallery".

  • Step 6: To upload a picture using your camera, follow these steps:

  1. Select the "Camera" option to activate your device's camera.

  2. Capture the image by clicking the camera button.

  3. After taking the picture, click the "Save" button to store it.

  4. Finally, click the "Upload" button to complete the process.

To upload a picture from your gallery, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the "Gallery" option, and the gallery will open.

  2. Select your desired picture and confirm by clicking the "Done" button.

  3. Complete the process by clicking the "Upload" button.

  1. How can I disable a room for the rent?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3:Swipe left to the roomcard, click on the disable for rent option.

  1. How do I delete a room?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3:Swipe left to the roomcard, click on the delete room option.

  • Step 4: A confirmation pop up will appear.

  • Step 5: click on YES button.

  1. How can I unpublish a room from the website?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3:Swipe left to the roomcard, click on the unpublish option.

  1. How can I delete a tenant from the room?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Room' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down and search for the desired room.

  • Step 3: click on the room card, a room details screen will open.

  • Step 4: scroll down and search for the concerned tenant card.

  • Step 5:swipe left to the tenant card.

  • Step 6:select" delete tenant" option.

  • Step 7: A confirmation pop will appear , select YES button.


  1. How to send individual room microsite links?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Listing' option.

  • Step 2: A pop up will appear. Click on the get your own microsite.

  1. How to get help regarding the website?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Listing' option.

  • Step 2: click on the" get help" option.

  • Step 3: A whatsapp message screen will open.

  • Step 4: Write your concern & click on the send button.

  1. How to raise a request regarding website activation?

  • Step 1: tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and then choose the 'Listing' option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down to find the property card you're interested in.

  • Step 3: Click on the "Activate Website" option.

  • Step 4: You will be directed to WebApp page where you have to fill required details:

  • Step 5: After filling details, click on the "Publish" button to proceed.


  1. How can I check the complaint dashboard?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Complaint' option. You can see the complaint dashboard where you can see the different type of complaint status.

a.Total complaint count complaint count.

c.under process complaint

d.Complaint assigned to team

e. Resolved complaint count.

  1. How can I view new complaints?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Complaint' option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear, click on status.

  • Step 4:select "New complaint"option.

  • Step 5: click on apply.

  1. How can I access complaints that are currently in progress?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Complaint' option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear, click on status.

  • Step 4:select "under process"option.

  • Step 5: click on apply.

  1. How do I check complaints that have been assigned to a team?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Complaint' option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear, click on status.

  • Step 4:select the "assigned to team"option.

  • Step 5: click on apply.

  1. How do I view resolved complaints?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Complaint' option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear, click on status.

  • Step 4:select the "resolved complaint"option.

  • Step 5: click on apply.

  1. How can I see the various complaint categories available?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu, and select the 'Complaint' option.

  • Step 2: A filter is available in the search box, click on it.

  • Step 3: A pop up will appear, click on category.

  • Step 4:select the categories and click on apply button.

  1. How can I download a complaint report?

  • Step 1:Tap the property icon located in the bottom navigation menu,Click on complaint option.

  • Step 2:Click on the CTA "More".

  • Step 3:Click on the CTA "Download complaint report".

  • Step 4: A pop will appear, select property.

  • Step 5: click on the done button.

  • Step 6: click on continue.

  1. What's the process for notifying the tenant about the complaint status?

Step 1: tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu and select the "Complaint" option.

Step 2: Scroll through the list to locate the specific complaint card you are interested in.

Step 3: On the complaint card, click on the "Status."

Step 4: A list of options will appear; select the appropriate option. The result will be displayed on the property complaint card, and an automatic notification will be sent to the tenant.

  1. How can I share the complaint with anyone?

Step 1: Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu and select the "Complaint" option.

Step 2: Scroll down to find the concerned complaint card.

Step 3: Swipe left on the complaint card.

Step 4: Click on the "Share Complaint" option.

Step 5: A pop-up will appear; choose WhatsApp or your preferred sharing method to share the complaint.

  1. How can I notify the tenant about the complaint's status?

  • Step 1: Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu and select the "Complaint" option.

  • Step 2: Scroll down to find the concerned complaint card.

  • Step 3: On the complaint concerned card click on inform option.

  • Step 4: A WhatsApp message screen will pop up; compose your message and then click the send button.


  1. How we can activate the FOOD menu

  • Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu and choose the "Food" option.

  • Click on Activate Now, update meal timings and click on the checkbox to enable meal type

  1. How can I view the food menu?

  • Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu and choose the "Food" option. Once there, swipe left on the food menu card to reveal the complete week's menu on the dashboard.

  1. How can I edit the food menu?

  • Step 1: Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu and select the "food" option.

  • Step 2:Click on the filter, a pop up will appear.

  • Step 3:Select the "Edit food menu" option.

  • Step 4: Update the food menu screen will open.

  • Step 5:Edit the food menu and click on save button.

  1. How can I update food timing?

  • Step 1: Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu and select the "food" option.

  • Step 2:Click on the filter, a pop up will appear.

  • Step 3:Select the "update timing" option.

  • Step 4: A timing screen will appear , update the time.

  • Step 5: Click on save button.

  1. How can I make the food menu invisible to tenants?

  • Step 1: Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu and select the "food" option.

  • Step 2:Click on the filter, a pop up will appear.

  • Step 3:Select the "update timing" option.

  • Step 4: A timing screen will appear, click on the toggle button (Don't have food menu to show).

  • Step 5: A confirmation pop up will appear, click on YES button.

  1. How can I share a food menu?

  • Step 1: Tap the property icon in the bottom navigation menu and select the "food" option.

  • Step 2:Click on the filter, a pop up will appear.

  • Step 3:Select the "share food menu" option.

  • Step 4: Whatsapp contact screen will appear,select the name or number.

  • Step 5: Whatsapp message screen will appear, write the menu and click on send button.

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